Specific Families and Genera > Ferns

Beautiful ferns and no class for them

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Our ferns are looking really good at the moment but unfortunately there is only 1 Large and 1 Small fern in the Schedule for East Cheshire next week.  Which 2 to choose.

In the Large Class are Polystichum divisilobum plumosum densum, Cryptogramma crispa and Asplenum trichomanes.  In the small Class are adiantum reniforme, Blechnum penna marina, Adiantum aleuticum and Polysticum lemmonii.  These last two are my particular favourites.

Maggi Young:
Could you not make a six-pan entry ? Give the flowering plants a shock!

Alas no large 6 pan class next week. There are always the geographic classes, 1 pan foliage and there's also one for 3 foliage plus 3 in flower. I'd blame the Director of Shows for not ensuring the classes you want are included  :-[

Maggi Young:

--- Quote from: Martinr on May 26, 2018, 04:38:03 PM ---Alas no large 6 pan class next week. There are always the geographic classes, 1 pan foliage and there's also one for 3 foliage plus 3 in flower. I'd blame the Director of Shows for not ensuring the classes you want are included  :-[

--- End quote ---

ian mcdonald:
Maybe there should be an area set aside at shows for members/exhibitors to show their plants without the plants being put through the stressful judging process?


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