Narcissus leaf problems

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Can anyone suggest what is the matter with these narcissi? 3 of my pots are affected. The bulbs seem sound in the pot I looked at, but the leaves are distorted and yellow with brown withered ends.

Ian Y:
When I see these symptoms my first thoughts are that there is a problem at the roots.
Were they too dry when they wanted to grow? Or have they been too cold and wet and the tips have rotted off.
It is a fine balancing act to get the moisture levels just right at this time of year.
I am fairly sure from what I can see in the picture that it is not any form of nasty infectious diseasese.

Thanks, Ian. Possibly they got dry while I was decorating for the last 2 months! :-[

Maggi Young:
Decorating? For two months? Have you taken up a new employment?  Good grief, you'll be doing housework next. Control yourself, woman!  Next time you feel that sort of activity coming on, lie down with a seed list until the feeling passes. Always works for me!!

mark smyth:
could it be signs of Stagno.?


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