Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

seeds of Daphne mezereum and longilobata

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mark smyth:
Berries are falling from my Daphne mezereum and longilobata all seeds have been allocated. Would anyone like some seeds? Daphne longilobata has been flowering since the end of May without a break. This form has no scent

Brian Ellis:
How fortunate you are Mark,  if I want seeds from my daphnes I have to cover them so the tits don't pick them off! >:(

mark smyth:
Are you referring to garden visitors!  ;)

David Nicholson:
 ;D ;D ;D

Mark, I would like some seed if you have any left please

I collected seed of Daphne mezereum var alpina in Totes Gebirge and Höllengebirge (1800m). Interest? And reichsteinii, oleoides and kosaninii (garden).



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