Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange
I am searching for seeds of Meconopsis delavayi, and have fresh seeds of M. aculeata, betonicifolia 'Alba' and 'Hensol Violet', "forrestii", lancifolia, 'Lingholm' and rudis if anyone is interested in a trade.
Join the meconopsis group!
They (we I mean) may have it in the seed exchange (in 2006 it was there and I think true).
I do not know the URL by heart but google "meconopsis group" and you will get there.
Maggi Young:
See the links pages, this one:;cat=4
takes you to this :
"links" button, second from right of options at top of page here, opens many interesting possibilities!
I will watch my M. delavayi plants carefully. Hope they will set good seeds this year too. Then I will send you some.
Thanks for the tip Göte, a membership application is going in the mail tomorrow :)
And thank you, Magnar! I still owe you for last years seeds, so let me know if there's anything you'd like in return. The Impatiens are ready to be mailed if you're home next week?
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