Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange

new seed offer

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It feels great being a junior member now :) ;) :) :D

Lesley Cox:
You'll have John the Kent gardener callihng you "Grandad" in no time!

Hans J:

--- Quote from: PEAK on March 08, 2007, 09:15:53 AM ---Hi Hans,
do you grow other Haemanthus as well? I grow H.albiflos and sanguineus and also the near related Scadoxus puniceus (syn. H natalensis). I am looking for seeds of the others but since the seeds are fleshy, they are only possible to store for a very short time
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Hi Peak ,

Yes - I grow a lot of other Haemantus and also many Scadoxus - but in this time .....
Many of them are youngplants - but I have also a lot of seedlings ( selfgrowing )- maybe we can swap -please contact me private .
Yes - of course this seeds are only for a short time can be stored -thats the reason for my offer .



--- Quote ---You'll have John the Kent gardener callihng you "Grandad" in no time!
--- End quote ---
Lesley, do you really think his grandad is green and spiny, with ears on forelegs ??? ???



--- Quote from: Hans Joschko on March 08, 2007, 09:31:25 AM ---Hi Peak ,
Yes - I grow a lot of other Haemantus and also many Scadoxus - but in this time .....
Many of them are youngplants - but I have also a lot of seedlings ( selfgrowing )- maybe we can swap -please contact me private .
Yes - of course this seeds are only for a short time can be stored -thats the reason for my offer .

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Hi Hans,
I have noticed you also grow Habranthus, are you interested in all bulbous Amaryllidaceae? I also have a lot of young plants and also some seed. I will compile a list of what I have and send it private to you!



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