Narcissus March 2007
mark smyth:
I'll start this new month with a rubbish photo taken on a very dull day. At 7.30 this morning there was bright sunshine and not a cloud in the sky. By 8.45 it was gone and has stayed like it all day
A stand of N. cyclamineus
mark smyth:
This photos hopefully show how 'Candlepower' changes colour
mark smyth:
and lastly a Narcissus that stands 7inches / 18cm and too big for a trough yet it's in one. The trough has been in place two years but there was no flower last year. I may have recycled bulb mix into the trough thinking the bulb had died. I then didnt notice the leaves last year. Does anyone know what this Narcissus could be?
Anthony Darby:
Now that's how I like to see Narcissus cyclamineus :) I have four flowering - two in a pot with a Cyclamen purpurescens. The thing is I can't remember which was supposed to be in that pot as the label has gone ???
Lesley Cox:
What a super stand of them Mark? Are they yours? That's just how they always should be.
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