Cultivation > Cultivation Problems

Grafting daphnes

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mark smyth:
I'll tag my query here.

I have a very small grafted D. petrea. Today I noticed that there is a small shoot growing from the root stock. Do I just simply nip this off?

Michael J Campbell:
Yes Mark. any young light green shoots that appear from the rootstock nip them off

mark smyth:


--- Quote from: Maggi Young on December 17, 2008, 10:10:01 PM ---Paul, there are pages in the Old Forum:
 Hope this helps  :D

--- End quote ---

How can I open these 2 old links , on grafting daphne?  Maggi ?

Maggi Young:
Lily-Anne, sadly those pages were lost when the old version of the forum was lost.
It may be possible to find something of them using  the] "Internet Archive: Wayback Machine " site[/url] - I'm looking into that.   -Sorry, no success.

 There is Ian Christie's article -


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