Plant Identification > Plant Identification Questions and Answers

Mystery seed-ex pink Sisyrinchium

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My picture comes from the website of a reliable vendor.

Foliage of Olsynium juncium tends to be quite variable.


--- Quote from: MarcR on August 26, 2024, 06:34:09 PM ---Foliage of Olsynium jundium tends to be quite variable.

--- End quote ---

I saw the same pictures at two different seemingly reliable vendors on two continents... I can assure you they're both misidentified, there's nothing "junceum" about them. The two links I posted are both from the native habitat of the species, and they fit the description.

Having sown Olsynium junceum myself, I think this is an interesting source of information.

Claire Cockcroft:
I'm having trouble posting pictures.  Let's try this a third time.

I looked up a few photos of Olsynium junceum taken in 2013 and 2017.

Claire Cockcroft:
Here are a few more.


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