Seedy Subjects! > Seed Exchange
SRGC Seed Exchange 2023-2024
Hello to all our EU members and possible donors.
We are delighted to say that Ashley Allshire from Ireland has offered to coordinate seed from all EU members except Germany, Austria and Czechia (which are coordinated by Katharina Briese - see the webpage below) and to obtain the necessary phyto certificate for sending the seed to us.
To participate in the arrangement, first, you must, please, Email and Ashley at with a list of your seed donations by 15th October 2023. This will enable Ashley to prepare a list for the phytosanitary certificate, and will enable us to ensure that your seed donations appear in the seed list.
Please send your clean, dry seed (no wet packs please) by 15th October 2023 to: Ashley Allshire, Leemount Cottage, Coachford, Co. Cork P12 XT54, Ireland.
Please check for any further details on the SRGC Seed website Scottish Rock Garden Club - Seed Exchange - Seed Donations ( before you finalise your package.
We hope this arrangement will enable you to continue to contribute to the SRGC Seed Exchange, and please do be assured that we will continue to be able to send seed to you from the exchange.
With best wishes
Ian & Carole Bainbridge
SRGC Seed Reception
Maggi Young:
For SRGC Members : the 77th SRGC seedlist is on the website. You need to log in as a member to view it. Please note that Ordering does not start until December.
Maggi Young:
The SRGC Seed Distribution is NOW OPEN for members' orders between 1 December and 5 January.
Paper seed lists are ONLY mailed to UK members.
Members Log in to obtain seedlist and order
To order, you should Login to this website (top right of the screen on main webpage ) and set a password if necessary,
Then click on the Seed Exchange | Seed List tab to view the list and information about it, and on Seed Orders to make seed selections and pay.
The last date for placing orders will be midnight (GMT) on Friday 05 January 2024.
Véronique Macrelle:
I've already placed my order! It was quick and easy, as I was able to go through the list and make my choices the week before ;D.
a big thank you to the whole team :D
My order is also done, and I want to thank all the donators and people working to make this happen! :)
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