Cultivation > Cultivation Problems
Adams Laburnum not flowering
I have an Adams Laburnum it's about 4 years old 6' tall with luxuriant green foliage, but it has never flowered I also have a normal Laburnum which is now just coming into flower, and when I propagate from it even a 5" twig will flower after a year. Does anyone have any experience of growing this oddity?
Vinny 123:
I have never heard it called Adam's Laburnum before..... probably because I have never looked as it seems common enough now that I have.
As you will no doubt appreciate, it isn't a Laburnum, or at least only (around) half is - it is a graft chimera between Laburnum and Cytisus (broom).
Personally, I have never believed the catalogue or plant label photo's and about the only comment that I can find is that those are fantasy plants bred and propagated in Photoshop.
My go-to for short sharp accurate descriptions of garden plants - Kenneth A Beckett, Concise Encyclopedia.... - makes little comment implying that it should flower as per Laburnum. That said, +Laburnocytisus is very highly likely to be one clone whereas garden Laburnums are going to have been selected almost to death for all that gardeners look for.
Maggi Young:
Adams Laburnum - Laburnocytisus adamii - odd that yours is not flowering - have you been pruning it and perhaps removed the flowers?
I can confirm that this is a plant that can, and does, flower well, I've seen a very fine specimen in a large old Aberdeenshire garden.
I saw a wonderful example in full multicoloured bloom at Glasgow Botanic Gardens about 5 years ago, it is about to bloom and should give a good show for the next few weeks. Unfortunately, mine is "sulking", each year I look for some sign of flower buds but nothing so far.
Vinny 123:
It ought to be difficult to prune blossom off a tree - if you search online it can flower in a broadly similar fashion to Cercis siliquatrum - short peduncles errupting from quite large branches - not what it is famous for, but possible..
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