Cultivation > Cultivation Problems
Pest Problem
I've accumulated quite a few P. sieboldii and noticed how they have been very free of the pests that afflict my auriculas/other primula. Repotting auriculas can be a depressing experience with many vine weevil larvae chomping on the roots, but only once have I found a vine weevil in the sieboldii.
That is good to hear.
Strangely in looking for root aphids, so far I have not found any vine weevil grubs in the pots. Perhaps they do not like the taste of aphids? :P
Just been going through the Auriculas, again. The ones which have been soaked for days in the insecticide do seem to be cleaner. It looks on some of them as if the aphids have moved up to the surface of the compost so I have been spraying the base of the plants with an insecticide which claims to kill them and their eggs.
Watch this space.
--- Quote from: Tristan_He on July 17, 2021, 02:58:03 PM ---Hi Palustris,
Root aphids have a winged phase, so it's likely that even if you eradicated them, they recolonise this way.
In general I find that stressed plants (in primula this is most often too hot or dry) are more susceptible.
For more info there is a good article here:
--- End quote ---
When I used to grow a lot of Auriculas I used to use Jeyes Fluid - and leave them in a bucket drench for an hour - it cleaned the long tom clay pots as well
I presume it's illegal now, like everything else that was any good
I did move over to cat litter and Jondo Hen grit mix with oyster shells and limestone chippings - can't remember seeing any after that
The place I used to get plants from you could guarantee they came with root aphids, so I always quarantined them as soon as I got them home
Sadly despite doing everything that has been suggested, the few remaining Auriculas all had huge numbers of root aphids so I have stopped growing them altogether. Just not worth the heartache.
The ones out in the borders can stay and survive or not as they please, but the Theatre ones are gone.
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