Specific Families and Genera > Cacti and Succulents
Some Socotran plants
Spending a dreich day clearing out files from the computer and came across these photographs from previous trips to Socotra (island to east of Somalia and south of Yemen)
Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum - habitat
Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum
Adenium obesum subsp. socotranum
Five more
Aloe jawiyon (poss.)
Aloe perryi - habitat
Aloe perryi Socotra
Caralluma socotrana - flowers
Caralluma socotrana
and another five including an arboreal Cucumber.
Carulluma socotrana - detail
Cissus hamaderohensis
Cissus subaphylla
Dendrosicyos socotrana
Dendrosicyus socotrana (Cucurbitaceae)
and yet another five
Dorstenia gigas - karst
Dorstenia gigas and Dracaena cinnabari
Dracaena cinnabari - in flower
Dracaena cinnabari
Dracaena cinnabari - woodland
and a final four
Euphorbia arbuscula
Euphorbia spiralis
Euphorbia spiralis with Kalanchoe farinacea - Homhil Socotra
Exacum caeruleum (endemic)
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