Plant Identification > Plant Identification Questions and Answers

Not Delphinium brunonianum

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I agree with you. I think a list of websites where plant species are described would be useful. I certainly do not have reference books to check on all the plant IDs of species which I send in. I tend to rely on the name under which I bought/was given the plant. I usually do a google search for photos and if it looks right, that's the name I stick with. I suspect it is the same for most members. And of course, just putting sp after the name allows for the plants I'm not sure of.
In any case, I hope everyone is busy collecting seeds to make this year's exchange even bigger and better than before.

Is anyone the wiser as to the true identity of this plant? The plant below, flowering for the first time seems to be the same as those illustrated by Gabriela and Roma. It was again from the seed exchange as D. brunonianum.
After some research, I'm not convinced I've got an answer either. To me, it doesn't appear likely to be D. elatum; leaves look Ok but flowers are a liitle different. I came up with two other suggestions: DD. linearilobum and taliense var. taliense. Would appreciate any further help


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