General Subjects > Wisley Alpine Log – Feedback Forum

Wisley Alpine Log- finale

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Buck Gardener:
Thank you for letting me know what happened. Very sad indeed. That's how it is with The Powers That Be the whole world over. But I am relieved that Paul is okay. My imagination was working overtime.

Maybe it'll start getting cold again here and I'll have a good excuse to explore your forums some more. (Thanks for the tip, Lesley.)

I'm a bit in the dark on the demise of the Wisly log.  Can someone PM me or write what happened.

Maggi Young:
Arnold, The RHS hierarchy decided that there was not time for Paul and the Alpine Department Team to be involved in producing the Wisley Log. We were told that Paul would be allowed to write a last log, explaining the position, but this has not been forthcoming as yet.



Sounds a bit strange to me.

He was promoting their institution wasn't he?

David Nicholson:
Typically muddled thinking from RHS! Where better to promote Wisley to the gardening World than these pages.


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