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Archibald Archive: new items

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Maggi Young:
Two new items have been added to the archive today,7th August:

One is the first draft of Jim's first article written for the SRGC Journal - written in longhand at the age of seventeen!

The second is an article written before 1964, illustrated with Jim's own drawings.

Please Note this carefully:
Archibald Master list:

N. B. added later :
If you are following old SRGC site without https these will not work - you can find all up to date links from   and the Archibald archives from

David Nicholson:
Fascinating stuff. A very mature writer for a 17 year old.

Gerry Webster:
Great stuff. Keep it up!

Gerry Webster:
I've just been reading Jim's piece ‘Some Plants of the Atlas Mountains’, an account of his 1962 expedition.  To my surprise he makes no mention of the famous collection near Ifrane of Narcissus romieuxii JCA 805 (Indeed there is no mention of any bulbous plants).Did Jim ever write about this collection? If so, does anyone know where?

Maggi Young:
I have before me  a copy of "Principal Collections of Seeds, Bulbs, Corms and Rhizomes, 1966" -
Under 'Morocco' is listed  " 805. Narcissus bulbocdium ?ssp.romieuxii "

In the fullness of time we will have  many of Jim's fieldnotes in the archive.


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