Specific Families and Genera > Iris

Forced Germination - preparing onco seed

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I started soaking onco seeds on boxing day and cutting them the day after, about a third have started to germinate in the warm without even being chilled, I took some pictures of the procedure. The seeds were soaked for 24 + hours with some detergent and chlorine (very dilute).
Then I wiped the sink with bleach and put some chlorine solution in it. I work in a baisin in the sink. It has water and a 'milton' sterilising tablet in it, also a razor blade. Each lot of seed is put in the basin with it's lable, and I scrape the cover off the pointed end of the seeds where the aril sits, then I cut off the tip of the seed to open the hole where the embryo emerges from. The cut seeds are put in bags with perlite and a little water,  in the warm for a week then in the fridge for a month unless they already start to germinate. I decided I had not cut enough off this seed and cut a second slice which is visible on the blade. The hole in the slice is shows quite well.

A better picture of the second slice off a seed. sometimes it is difficult to decide how much to cut.
and a picture of the seeds in their bag after cutting.


great series of fotos.  You've really captured the procedure. (mind you, I use a scalpel knife, double edge razors are not only more difficult and dangerous, but almost impossible to find these days!) The shot with the little hole into the endosperm is absolutely spot on.  I always try to get this 'look', as I find less doesn't seem to trigger germination in many species, although AB hybrids appear to be less fussy.

I'm amazed you had such fast germination on some.  What seed germinated so quickly?  I've just started soaking my seed yesterday.  Today and tomorrow I'll be doing some slicing and dicing.  Getting just the right amount off the seed has proved important for me.

This is such an exciting event, getting these seeds to spring into life, don't you find.  Off course, there is a bit more to get the flower.


Tom Waters:
Excellent photos, Peter--a very nice resource for those wanting to learn this procedure. Where will you be growing the germinated seedlings?

Super Peter  :o
Thank's for sharing this technical pictures, always better than a long text  ;)
we're waiting now for the babies... and the flowers  :)


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