General Subjects > Plants Wanted Or For Exchange

Scottish Willow

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Tim Harberd:
I'm trying to track down Salix x balfourii (caprea x lanata).... Balfour's Willow ... named after Scottish botanist John Hutton Balfour ... I've found a nursery in America which lists it!!

The only place I've found it in the UK is Thenford Gardens, Oxfordshire... (not a nursery)

Presumably it is still grown in its native land?

I'm hoping someone in Scotland might be able to spare me some cuttings in the autumn?

Tim DH

Closer but still on the other side of the channel :

ian mcdonald:
Tim, maybe the gardener would allow some cuttings. The head gardeners sometimes help people who are interested in their plants. Perhaps a message to Thenford might be useful?

A friend has a very special (and endangered - he's looking for a home for it) collection of rare hybrid willows. I will ask him.

My friend has replied:
Re Salix x balfourii.  This has never been found inthe wild, at least in Britain. Linton claimed that he had synthesized from the parents in his garden but even if correct I doubt it still exists.  
Sorry we are unable to help.


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