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Daphne mezereum white form

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mark smyth:
In the SRGC seed list two forms of white Daphne mezereum are listed. One is a dwarf form. Can anyone tell me about the dwarf form? How small? Conditions etc

David Nicholson:
Mark-the following is an extract from "Daphnes A Practical Guide for Gardeners" by Robin White Pub. Timber Press 2006.

" Daphne mezereum Dwarf Forms"
"Plants growing above the treeline in mountainous areas are often of much smaller stature than lowland forms, and are sometimes referred to as var. alpina, a name which has not been validated. Seed from a plant of this type which I brought back from the Kamnick Alps produced plants which maintained their dwarf characters in cultivation; even when grafted on D.mezereum, plants did not exceed 45cm. Since little growth was made, not many flowers were produced, so I rate this as a form with botanical interest only.

I have recently received material of a free flowering alpine form from Mike and Polly Stone, propriotors of Askival Nursery. The seed of this was collected near Presolana, in Northern Italy. The plant they grow is now 1.2m across but only 45cm high"

Pity that Robin White did not include the flower colour in his second paragraph quoted above.

Earlier in his main paragraphs on D.mezereum he refers to a White flowered form "forma alba" as a selection from E A Bowles' garden circa 1903 but says this was of a vigorous upright habit.

Not sure if this answers your question really but hope it helps a little.

Olga Bondareva:
White form really is not rare in nature. Robin White says it has yellow berries. And I could confirm this. Furthermore it is true from seed.

I’ve never seen compact form. D. mesereum. It does not mean it does not exist, of course. Viewed at Caucasus treeline was taller and more vigorous then in Moscow forests. Wish I travel to select white and other forms… I heard double form exists.

mark smyth:
Would anyone have seeds or seedlings of the white form it looks good. Thanks for the input

Hi Mark,

My Daphne mezereum 'Alba' is a young plant and I don't know how big it is going to be when it is 'grown up'. But just now it is not even 45 cm high. I have not collected any seed this year - and, yes, the berries are yellow. But if you still would like some next fall, please let me know. Otherwise I could send cuttings.


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