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New alpine house

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Mick McLoughlin:
I posted in the old forum about new greenhouse. Well it is arriving saturday. Will try and post a picture then, so Margaret will know why the artistic shape.

See this page on old Forum:

Edit - apologies, the above link no longer works.

Maggi Young:
Excellent, Mick, I look forward to that. Hope the weekend weather forecast is good for you. We've had a lovely sunny day here in Aberdeen though chums from around the country have told me it is wet and  'orrible in many places.

Mick McLoughlin:
Weather stayed fine and dry. Just plunge bed to make now.

Maggi Young:
OOH! Never  seen one like that before, Mick! Now your odd foundation shape becomes clear.
What fun you'll have filling it. Glad you are making a sand plunge, too, they are a MOST useful accessory. Hope the weather holds for that.

I have seen an Alpine House that shape before!  An AGS member in North Norfolk used to have one.  Maureen was one of the people who fostered my interest in alpines and I remember her fondly.  I do recall that she had problems ventillating her alpine house, but it was in a very open site while this one looks more sheltered and perhaps shaded?  Good luck with it and let us see some of the plants too!


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