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Calling Forumists, old and new: Please Register for the New Forum

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Maggi Young:
Hello Everyone, Welcome to the new SRGC Forum pages. We have taken the opportunity afforded by a breakdown in the old Forum software to initiate these new Forum System. The old Forum will be "live" for a little while yet, though you will have to re-register to post on it: Why not register now and make all your posts on these new pages? The old forum will be archived in a short while so new posts will not be posssible but it will be available to be read and studied to your hearts' content. We will try to contact as many of the original Forumists as possible to let you know what the situation is.
We are sorry for any inconvenience but hope you will soon be joining us once more.So, while we have had a "little local difficulty" we can assure you that  "there is light at the end of the tunnel".... and it is not just an oncoming train!

Thank you for all your support in the past, and a Warm Welcome to the NEW SRGC Forum!

David Nicholson:
Hi Maggi and everyone,  takes a bit of getting used to with all the bells and whistles (what on earth is "Marquee" 6th button on top row) but this will at least tell me if I have done anything right so far. ??? ???

David Shaw:
God, Maggie, this is as bad as being at work :'(
As the other posters as have said so far, come next week we will start getting used to the improvements.
Bets wishers and thanks to all the Moderators, God bless them.


--- Quote from: deesen on November 14, 2006, 07:18:18 PM ---Hi Maggi and everyone,  takes a bit of getting used to with all the bells and whistles (what on earth is "Marquee" 6th button on top row) but this will at least tell me if I have done anything right so far. ??? ???

--- End quote ---

It’s a gimmick you can ignore

In fact it’s a bit annoying

mark smyth:
oooh it's lovely in here. Can I gripe?! I hate nick names. sorry!

ahhh it's a rolling marquee


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