Seedy Subjects! > Seeds Wanted

Flora of Mozambique

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When Rod & Rachel Saunders were alive, Silverhill Seeds used to offer Geosiris and Radinosiphon in their bulb seed offerings. Does anyone know of anyone offering those seeds now?

Maggi Young:
I didn't know that Silverhill seeds no longer offered those seeds via - have you tried asking them - just in case? !

They haven't been in the online catalog since the Saunders were killed.

Vinny 123:
Try Lifestyle Seeds - their online catalogue lists everything that they have ever stocked and is updated as and when new items arrive.
They sell bulbs/plants as well as seed.

Vinny 123:
Update -
Geosiris - They would presumably be almost impossible to grow. It is strange that Silverhill ever offered seed.

R. l. bulbs are also sold by the SA Bulb Co.


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