I have the following Phylliopsis.
x Phylliopsis hillieri ‘Coppella’ (Phyllodoce empetriformis x Kalmiopsis leachiana).
x Phylliopsis hillieri 'Sugar Plum' (Phyllodoce caerulea x Kalmiopsis leachiana).
x Phylliopsis hillieri ‘Pinocchio’ (Phyllodoce breweri x Kalmiopsis leachiana).
I can find the label on ‘Coppella’, but the other two have grown, and their labels must be buried right in the centre of each plant, they have grown quite big.
Is there a way I can possibly identify which is which, and would the species of each of the Phyllodoce give a clue? Is one more compact than the other, are the flowers different?
Here are pictures of each in bud: (it looks like they might put on a good show in a few weeks time!)
I’m almost, (but not quite) sure this is x P. h. ‘Pinocchio’ – it has buds running up a longer flower stem.
Is this x P. h. 'Sugar Plum' ?
Thanks folks.