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Author Topic: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22  (Read 16088 times)

wooden shoe

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #15 on: June 28, 2021, 03:45:54 PM »
Thank you for your efforts. Let's hope we will get a normal international Seed Exchange back again. It was surely missed last year.
Rob - central Nederland Zone 7b


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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #16 on: June 30, 2021, 06:39:03 PM »
Rob (and all other seedy folks),
The seed team is still negotiating about sending seeds to other countries, the situation still seems unclear. Richard, of the seed team, will give an update very soon.
In the meantime, keep collecting, and keep your fingers crossed.
Carolyn McHale
Gardening in Kirkcudbright

Richard Green

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #17 on: July 01, 2021, 07:30:25 PM »
Hello all Seedy people,

I will try and make this simple, which is very difficult as nobody really knows the rules for certain, and they do keep changing.  Current details will be given in our Dryas booklet which comes with our Journal and will be posted in the next few weeks.  Thereafter any further changes to these details will be given here and on our website.

We hope to be able to operate a near-normal seed exchange for members, but of course it remains subject to Covid and legal restrictions which might apply to people meeting together over the seed distribution period in January 2022.

We have been concerned that Seed Donations this autumn would be limited by new phytosanitary regulations, but we now understand these will not be implemented by the UK government until 2022, so we expect to be able to receive seed donations into the UK from all countries in the world.  So please keep saving seed, and send it to us.

Seed orders made by members in England, Wales and Scotland are expected to operate normally.

Seed orders made by members in EU countries (and Northern Ireland) are affected by new EU Seed Regulations, which will require phytosanitary certification for seed entering the EU and NI from the UK.  These apply to each order and are expensive, and may make it prohibitive for these members to order seed.  However, if an EU-based member was prepared to receive all EU orders, separate them and post them onwards within the EU then only one phyto certificate might be affordable and cover all shipments.  If any EU-based member (or members) is/are prepared to help, then please contact me directly by email at seed@srgc.org.uk or Personal Message, otherwise we may have to refuse EU orders this year.

Seed orders made by members in the Rest of the World are unaffected by these changes; we will send seed in accordance with your country’s regulations, as advised by you, similar to previous years. Australia and New Zealand have banned lists of seeds, and the USA have a Small Lots system. Japan require phytos and this is probably too expensive for the small number of members in Japan to pay.

I hope this gives some useful basic advance information.  Please see the full text in Dryas which will be mailed out shortly in the usual way.

Richard Green
SRGC Seed Distribution Team Manager
« Last Edit: July 01, 2021, 07:35:26 PM by Richard Green »
Richard Green - Balfron Station, West Central Scotland


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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #18 on: July 01, 2021, 11:06:09 PM »
Thanks for that, Richard, it seems reasonably encouraging. Let’s hope we have some European volunteers to help make this work.
Now we all need to save seeds, and make this the best exchange ever, after the disappointments of last year!
Carolyn McHale
Gardening in Kirkcudbright

Véronique Macrelle

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #19 on: July 02, 2021, 08:01:36 AM »
the seeds would arrive in Europe already assembled with their envelope for each individual shipment or all the seed bags arrive together and it would be necessary to make the envelopes here?

 and that corresponds to how many orders on average?

Richard Green

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #20 on: July 02, 2021, 11:20:28 AM »
Hi Veronique,
We do not know the answer to that question yet, we are in talks with our inspection people.  We hope that we could send postal envelopes containing orders of either 16 or 25 seed packets.  In 2019/20 we sent out 130 orders to 14 different EU countries.
Richard Green - Balfron Station, West Central Scotland

Maggi Young

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« Reply #21 on: July 24, 2021, 07:28:49 PM »
From the Seed Teams : 75TH SRGC  SEED EXCHANGE 2021-2022

We are very pleased to announce that over the coming winter we hope to be able to operate a near-normal seed exchange for members. This will be in real contrast to the 74th, very limited, exchange, but of course it remains subject to Covid and legal restrictions which might apply over the seed exchange period.

We have been concerned that Seed Donations this coming autumn would be limited by new phytosanitary regulations, but we now understand these will not be implemented by the UK government until 2022, and so donations from outside the UK will not require phytosanitary certificates this autumn. Please do read the detailed text on seed donations below before sending seed to the exchange.

Covid restrictions in the UK meant that it would have been impossible to run a normal seed exchange in 2020/21, as the seed reception, packeting and distribution processes all require teams of people to work together to complete each stage of the exchange. We hope that Covid regulations will not affect the forthcoming exchange, but we’re sure you will all recognise that we cannot predict what the circumstances will be over the coming winter.

Parts of the seed distribution will be affected by the new EU Seed Regulations, which will require phytosanitary certification for seed entering the EU from the UK. We are exploring the implications of this with the UK and Scottish authorities, and hope to be able to offer seed to EU members. We will post information on the SRGC seed website as soon as it is available. If there are members in EU states who might be willing to receive a bulk order of seed to despatch to other members in their country/EU, we would be pleased to hear from you (email seed@srgc.org.uk).

Overseas members who do not live in the EU are unaffected by these changes; we will send seed in accordance with your country’s regulations, as advised by you.

Seed Donations (Autumn 2021)
Please send fresh clean seed as early as possible (no later than 31st October) to Ian and Carole Bainbridge (see the Team subsection at the bottom of this item for the address). Late seed can be accepted if a list has been received by post or email by 31st October. The seed list will be compiled on 1st November, so late seed may not make the exchange.

On each packet please write the full name of the species, where it was collected (if wild), and your name or initials. Put all seed of one type in one packet, using small packets when possible (avoid big packets!). Supply a list of donated seed in alphabetical order. Note your email, phone number and membership number in case we have queries, and provide comments on any new or rare seed.

Wild Seed
The reputation of the SRGC is at risk if we offer seed that has been collected illegally or does not have distribution permission. This could harm future attempts by people who want to collect seed legitimately. The SRGC is not able to check seed submissions, so please do not submit wild collected seed that would put our reputation at risk. Please also retain the documentation giving any relevant permission for as long as possible.

Seed Lists
All members (except those with paperless subscriptions) will receive a seed list automatically by post in late November. Ensure your membership is renewed promptly to ensure you receive a seed list. The request system will be live until 15th January, which is the closing date for receipt of all seed orders. We encourage all members to both order and pay using our online system to save unnecessary administration time. If you do not have access to a computer yourself (or someone to help input your order), then please contact the Seed Request Manager Chris PARSONS for assistance as early as possible and certainly before posting your order.

Online ordering
The 75th seed list will be available on the website from 21st November at www.srgcseed.net. Please log on with your email address and the password you created last year. If you’ve not logged in previously, or forgotten your password, you will be able to create or reset it when you try to login. If you haven’t used the online portal before, please use it this year, as the system is very simple. The portal will then open for orders on 30th November.

Seed Packeting
Packeting will be done during November / early December. The Ayrshire group would be very grateful to hear from any UK member willing to volunteer to packet seeds (see appeal lower down this post).

Seed Distribution (Early 2022)
The West of Scotland Group will manage the distribution for the first time. Full details of the arrangements for ordering seed will be included in the seed list and on the website. Orders on paper are discouraged, but if necessary, they must reach the Seed Request Manager, Chris PARSONS, by 14th January 2022.

The seed distribution will begin in mid-January and all main requests will be sent out by late January. Donors’ seed requests are completed first, then non-donors' in order of their arrival date followed by surplus seed requests (see page 10 for the benefits of being a donor). This means that main and surplus requests are sent out separately and may arrive a few weeks apart.
The whole distribution should be completed by the end of January. Please allow for delays in the postal system, waiting until after 9th February before enquiring. All seed correspondence, lists and queries can be sent to seed@srgc.org.uk. We will ensure that emails reach the relevant manager.

Members from the USA must have an import permit, which is issued by APHIS, see:https://www.aphis.usda.gov/aphis/ourfocus/planthealth/import-information/permits/plants-and-plant-products-permits/plants-for-planting/small-lots-seed.

This must be a ‘small lots’ permit, as this does not require UK phytosanitary certification. Please apply for your permits ahead of the exchange to ensure there is no delay in getting your seeds to you. Permits are valid for three years so if you are using an old one please check it is valid to the end of February 2022. You must email or enclose a copy of the permit and conditions with your request. Each numbered green/yellow customs label may be used once only; please send one for each request - one for a main request, and one for each surplus request of 50 packets.

If you order seed online, you must still send the permit documents and labels to Chris PARSONS, as soon as possible - preferably to arrive well before 14th January 2022 (or you may send them to Ian and Carole BAINBRIDGE with your seed donation). We must stress that “no permit, no seed” is the SRGC rule! We will do our best to get everyone their seed, but it must be in compliance with USDA regulations.

Australia, New Zealand
There are lists of allowed/banned plant taxa. Please check your request against these BEFORE placing your order. Customs may bin or return your whole order to SRGC if it includes any banned seeds.

A phytosanitary certificate is required by Japan for imports. All the seeds must be examined by a UK inspector; his/her time is charged to the client. This charge is high and is payable by the member. Seed exchange for Japan has therefore been suspended.

All EU Countries (and Northern Ireland)
Unfortunately, following Brexit, all EU countries now require a phytosanitary certificate for each incoming parcel of seed (as for Japan). The cost is prohibitive, but if an EU-based member was prepared to receive all EU orders, separate them and post them onwards within the EU then only one phytosanitary certificate might be needed and could cover all shipments.
If any EU-based member (or members) is/are prepared to help, then please contact Richard GREEN, otherwise we may have to refuse EU orders this year.

Other overseas members
Please check with your authorities whether your country has any seed import requirements. Let us know what we need to do and send any necessary documentation. We do wish to comply with any laws relating to seed imports.

The Seed Exchange Team
You can contact any of the managers at seed@srgc.org.uk
Seed Reception Managers:
Ian and Carole BAINBRIDGE, Luckie Harg’s, Anwoth Road, Gatehouse of Fleet, Castle Douglas, DG7 2EF, 01557 814141

Seed Packeting Manager:
George WATT, Burnside, Littlemill Road, Drongan, East Ayrshire, KA6 7EN, 01292 592445

Seed Distribution Team Manager:
Richard GREEN, Cedar Cottage, Balfron Station, Glasgow, G63 0SQ, 07714 227509

Seed Request Manager and Seed Accounts Treasurer:
Chris PARSONS, Lorbottle Hall Lodge, Whittingham, Alnwick, Northumberland, England, NE66 4TD, 07486 386288

When seed distribution comes around, the SRGC Seed Exchange has a particular sequence for fulfilling your seed requests.

First, we do all the main requests, and the first picks always go to the donors of seed for that year’s exchange. We sort the donors into a priority ranking; put simply, the donors who have sent the most seed for the most years will have their requests fulfilled first. The calculation we do means that if you send us 100 packets plus and it’s your first year of donating to the exchange, you’ll still be pretty close to the top of the list. In general, we like you to send five packets of seed to qualify for donor status, but if you send us a big packet of Ranunculus lyallii for example, we’ll be very happy!

If yours is a family membership, you qualify for two donor picks at your donor ranking. This means it’s better for you to send us one donation on behalf of your family rather than separate smaller donations from each of you, and it’s easier for us to administer in the seed reception process.
Second, we fulfil the non-donor main requests. These are processed in the order of the date of their arrival, so it is an advantage for non-donors to send in their seed requests quickly.
Third, after the cut-off date for receipt for seed requests, we will fulfil the surplus requests. These are also done in the order of the date of their arrival, so it is an advantage for members wishing surplus seed to order quickly. Please also remember that by this point, many of the numbers will have been exhausted, so send us plenty of alternatives on your surplus request. Again, a family membership qualifies you for two surplus orders if you wish.
So, donate some seed this year and enhance your chances of getting the seed you want from the SRGC Seed Exchange.

For new members of the SRGC, ‘seed packeting’ is the process of placing donated seeds into small glassine envelopes for later distribution. It is the middle process of the SRGC Seed Exchange and is of vital importance. Last year we had only just enough volunteers to cope and are therefore anxious to recruit new volunteers. It has been agreed that participants need not be members of the Club and that friends of members would be more than welcome to take part.

Please do consider joining the team. Detailed instructions will be given. Contact the Seed Packeting Manager: George Watt (01292 592445, seed@srgc.org.uk, Burnside, Littlemill Road, Drongan, East Ayrshire, KA6 7EN).
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

wooden shoe

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #22 on: July 27, 2021, 08:17:19 AM »
That's good news Maggi, thanks a lot for everyone who makes this possible.
Rob - central Nederland Zone 7b

Claire Cockcroft

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Re: seed exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #23 on: August 03, 2021, 04:50:30 PM »
Yes, that's very good news.  I've passed along the message to others who are active seed collectors.
Claire Cockcroft
Bellevue, Washington, USA  Zone 7-8

Maggi Young

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #24 on: September 05, 2021, 01:53:52 PM »
From Richard Green :
"As far as I am aware, for Members' information, the situation regarding sending seed into and out of the EU is as follows:

Seed donations to SRGC  FROM members in EU countries.

This year there are no restrictions, we can receive seed from anywhere.  Members should send  donations to Ian Bainbridge as usual.  The UK is introducing reciprocal phytosanitary regulations for incoming seed in February 2022, so what will happen in October 2022 is anyone’s guess at this stage.

Seed orders sent BY us TO members living in all EU countries.

Yes, we are planning to batch up ALL the EU seed request envelopes into one (or several) parcels and send them to a helpful EU-based member to mail onwards within the EU.  This means we only need to pay for ONE phytosanitary inspection certificate for all EU recipients – rather than one for every separate member EU seed request.  Phyto certificates will probably cost a couple of hundred pounds each.  This is exactly what NARGS have done for some years – and presumably also AGSBC…

If any Member would like to offer to act as a recipient of, say, some or all of the EU countries completed seed requests, and mail them all onwards to recipient members, then we would be very grateful.  Of course we would refund their postage and any other costs. 
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #25 on: September 29, 2021, 08:17:01 PM »
Another evening cleaning and packeting seeds for the seedex. It will be nice to have full use of our table back soon!
Carolyn McHale
Gardening in Kirkcudbright

Véronique Macrelle

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #26 on: October 04, 2021, 05:23:25 PM »
from UE, can we send seeds a little 'sensitive'
eg I have Lophophora williamsii seeds, can I send them?

Richard Green

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #27 on: October 05, 2021, 09:25:00 AM »
Veronique, I don't see that Genus on the "regulated" list
here:   https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/plant-species-by-import-category/import-requirements-for-plants-plant-produce-and-products
so you should be able to send these seeds without problems until end of January 2022 when phyto certificates come into force.
Richard Green - Balfron Station, West Central Scotland

Véronique Macrelle

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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #28 on: October 05, 2021, 11:15:05 AM »
thank you Richard :)


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Re: SRGC Seed Exchange 2021 - 22
« Reply #29 on: October 05, 2021, 05:14:06 PM »
Just a quick post to say that the SRGC Seed Reception is all set up and waiting for your seed donations, SRGC members.   We can receive seed donations from members anywhere in the world (some species restrictions from some countries; check with us at seed@srgc.org.uk if you're in doubt), and hope to be able to send seed to everywhere except Japan this year. 
Thought folks might like to see the set up for the seed reception, so a few pictures have been posted in FB on the Friends of Scottish Rock Garden Club page.
and remember to send your seed to us by the end of the month!

Ian & Carole Bainbridge


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