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Author Topic: I am looking for erythronium, lilies, trillium and other rare plants.  (Read 1653 times)

Victor Yatskevich

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Hello everyone.
I'm just starting to collect rare plants and so much variety, like many on the forum can not boast.
Due to the fact that I live in Belarus and we are in the desert flower between Europe and Russia. If anyone has anything of the following I gladly purchased.
Unfortunately for the exchange I have only varietals tulips, crocuses and lilies - practically nothing of species yet.
And because we can not send plants, I do everything through my uncle in Poland.
If anyone can sell any plants on my list, I can send him money transfer Western Union, and the plants will need to sent to Poland.

With best regards,

Plants list:

Erythronium dens-canis 'Charmer'
Erythronium dens-canis 'Anna Carolina'
Erythronium 'Jeanette Brickell'
Erythronium 'Jeannine'
Erythronium 'Rippling Waters'
Erythronium 'Rosalind'
Erythronium 'Spindlestone'
Erythronium dens-canis 'Old Aberdeen'
Erythronium grandiflorum Rubens
Erythronium revolutum var. albiflorum
Erythronium caucasicum Roseum
Erythronium  umbilicatum

Lilium pyrenaicum
Lilium martagon var. Albiflorum
Lilium cernuum double
Lilium leichtlinii 'Iwashimizu'
Lilium canadense
Lilium bakerianum v. Delayayi
Lilium bakerianum var.aureum
Lilium fargesii
Lilium lophophorum
Lilium lophophorum var.linearifolia
Lilium speciosum var gloriosoides
Lilium amoenum
Lilium primulinum Rock's Variety
Lilium Barbara North
Lilium Rosemary North

Trillium western sessile hybrids white
Trillium western sessile hybrids yellow
Trillium western sessile hybrids dark form
Trillium grandiflorum Gothenburg Pink
Trillium rivale
Trillium chloropetalum giganteum

Arisaema concinnum
Arisaema serratum var. mayebarae
Arisaema sikokianum
Arisaema nepenthoides
Arisaema griffithii
Arisaema candidissimum  white form

Fritillaria moggridgei
Fritilartia cirrhosa
Fritillaria  tubiformis

Polygonatum hookeri
Lewisia nevadensis
Lewisia tweedy (rosea, alba and other)
Eranthis pinnatifida
Eranthis  stellata
Glaucidium palmatum alba
Jeffersonia dubia
Jeffersonia dubia alba


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