General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
December in the Southern Hemisphere
Paul T:
Howdy All,
My first attempt at posting a pic in this new forum setup, so hopefully this works OK?
This is an asiatic lilium 'Tinos' which I have flowering at the moment. The blending and shading in the flower is really beautiful, even if it doesn't show up as well here as I would have liked. This is the first time I have grown this variety and I hope it will do well for me as I would love to see it in my garden every year from now on! <grin>
Paul T:
Howdy again All,
Here are a couple of other things flowering around now....
Clematis viticella 'Purpurea Plena Elegans' is such a stunning flower!!
or should I be putting these attachments in as
This is Dierama pauciflora which, unlike it's other brethren I have seen, has the flower pointing upwards. At the moment I have the more traditional species in white, pink, "red", and purple in flower as well. Beautiful!!
This is a yellow form of Ornithogalum dubium. This flowers prolifically for quite some time during spring/summer and seeds quite happily. Seed takes about 3 years to flower but is identical to the parent. A definite bright splash in pots or in the garden!!
Paul T:
Here's an Echinocereus cactus I have in flower at the moment. The flowers are a handspan across, making a rather stunning display.
The plant is about 6 feet tall and I have included a picture of it to give you an idea of it's size. I end up with between 20 and 30 flowers each season, spread over a couple of weeks.
Maggi Young:
Ah, Paul, now you are REALLY back with us... we're getting pictures!! Love that cactus, so hollywood !
BUT: where is your ID photo and a protrait of Elf? We need to know these things, or John F. and I will sulk... and you wouldn't want that to happen, would you?
We're waiting......
mark smyth:
and me :'(
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