Bulbs > Ian Young's Bulb Log - Feedback Forum
Bulb Log 48
David Nicholson:
Very best of luck with the exhibition Ian-I hope it's as productive as it could possibly be!! Loved the pix in this weeks Log-how to see the world and never leave your seat. If ever you need a bag carrier/general factotum then I'm your man. ;D
mark smyth:
I would like to see the exhibition but will see any left overs while I'm in Aberdeen. Ian also tells us he will be in Ireland in January which will be exciting!
Maggi Young:
Two points, Mark... first I hope you will understand that we are hopeful that there will be VERY few leftovers when you visit... Christmas shopping and all that, you know! David had the right idea!
Second: I think Ian is going to Ireland in March or April 2007, can't remember that, either... I get worse!
Okay, I've looked at the calendar... it seems he's in Dublin for 15th April.
mark smyth:
excellent news and there I was hoping he would be over at snowdrop time to send him home with White Fever. There will be many northerners at the meeting. And that gives me 5 months to get the back the back garden in to shape for a possible visit
an edited ps 15/04 is a Sunday
Anthony Darby:
Those bird prints are awesome Ian. I think the puffin just leaps off the screen. Are those gannets or blue-faced boobies? Really cool 8) and I know someone who would love the, er, green cormorant. I could certainly live with any or all of them. Are they "one offs" or do you do a number of each one?
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