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Author Topic: Haemanthus coccineus vs Haemanthus sanguineus  (Read 8846 times)

Renate Brinkers

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Re: Haemanthus coccineus vs Haemanthus sanguineus
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2008, 10:28:03 PM »
Here is a picture of a Haemanthus sp. I bought this summer in Italy as H.coccineus. As I have a H.coccineus with the typical colour and the stripes at outside of the leaves I think this is not H.coccineus.
The leaves donīt lie flat on the ground, at the moment they are 37cm long and nearly upright (but it could be that they are longer than usual because in the house they get not as much light as they may need) and 8cm wide, no thin red border, no stripes at the outside.

Best wishes,


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