General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now

April 2024 in the Southern Hemisphere

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fermi de Sousa:
This weekend will see the end of Daylight Savings on the East coast of Australia (Queensland has resisted going onto DST because the extra hour of sunlight could fade curtains) and so we'll have less daylight at the end of the day, though mornings won't be so dark - for a little while!
These pics are from the weekend:
1) Cyclamen graecum in the garden.
2) Cyclamen rohlfsianum - not looking as floriferous as usual
3) Cyclamen mirabile (ex 'Tilebarn Nicholas')
4) Talinum calycinum still has a few blooms opening

Maggi Young:

--- Quote from: fermi de Sousa on April 05, 2024, 12:27:55 PM ---This weekend will see the end of Daylight Savings on the East coast of Australia (Queensland has resisted going onto DST because the extra hour of sunlight could fade curtains) and so we'll have less daylight at the end of the day, though mornings won't be so dark - for a little while!

--- End quote ---
I think I've heard it all now!

fermi de Sousa:

--- Quote from: Maggi Young on April 05, 2024, 06:10:05 PM --- I think I've heard it all now!

--- End quote ---
The debates raged for ages!
They were also concerned that the cows wouldn't cope with being milked an hour earlier.
Here are a few more pics form the garden:
1) The xAmarine has a couple more spikes
2) Habranthus tubispathus Pink form
3) More blooms on Habranthus gracilifolius
4) Nerine filifolia - a different clone to the one that flowered last month
5) Rhodophiala bifida has had to be caged to protect it from the rampaging wallaby

We have 'survived' the change in day light saving, now its dark on the way to work and nearly dark upon return.
Dairy farmers here have always complained about the introduction of day light saving and many farmers did not change their milking times in line with day light saving. Not so many complaints these days so one of the parties involved must have adjusted.

Diane Whitehead:
Do wallabies eat Rhodophiala or just jump on them?


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