General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now
March in the Northern Hemisphere
--- Quote from: Rick R. on April 02, 2024, 11:36:45 PM ---Regarding Phacelia campaularia, I grew in from seed way back in 2007, the seed from Thompson & Morgan. Not really knowing what I was doing, I planted it inside first, in Minnesota (45° N lattitude). I started them in early April in a south window, they sprouted easily, and immediately went into flowering mode with just two true leaves! I kept cutting the flower buds off, but the increase in plant size was minimal, until I was able to plant outside. With continued debudding, they produced little mats of foliage 1-2 inches high.
I've grown them a few times since, when I was able to find seed; they have always been precocious but not quite so extreme. Never been as low growing either, or with as deep a blue color.
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Hi Rick,
Your experiences cultivating Phacelia campanularia at 45 N are very interesting. Based on what you have related, it appears that there is a way forward with the cultivation of Phacelia campanularia in far northern latitudes. With the correct sowing time and cultivation techniques it might be quite easy.
As for off-type seed lines…. Maybe it is the farmer in me? Given my goals with horticulture, as much as possible, I maintain my own seed lines, which includes many perennial species. After all, in agriculture the quality of a seed line can make the difference between survival and perishing. My goal is to maintain as much genetic diverse as possible, yet maintain purity to species or varietal characteristics. Genetic diversity needs to be maintained with out-breeding species and excessive inbreeding is a poor strategy for maintaining in-breeding species. Maintaining quality seed lines requires time and precise effort, however the rewards, for me, are worth the time and attention.
I do get off-type pale blue Phacelia campanularia seedlings that need to be rogued-out to keep my deep blue seed line well maintained. The percentage is small and to me is an indication that I am maintaining a reasonable degree of genetic diversity in this seed line.
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