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Monthly Bulb Log Diary 2024

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Hi Ian,

Concerning our garden, I am just doing the best I can with what I have available and following my passions. I am very impressed and inspired with what you and Maggi have created with your garden. For me it is not what we have, but what we do with what we have. I have been very impressed and inspired by what some gardeners achieve with just a small container garden on a porch or patio. Creativity and creating beauty is so nourishing to the soul.

When I was young, the American health and fitness practitioner, Jack Lalanne, influenced my developing mind. My guess is that most Europeans have never heard of Jack Lalanne, however during the 1950s, 60s, and 70s he was on American TV with a half hour exercise and health program. He had some great sayings such as, “Use it or lose it”. His motto was “helping people help themselves”. It seems such principals can apply to many facets of life, including gardening. I definitely appreciate when you and other gardeners share their creative endeavors, either on the forum or a personal visit to a neighbor’s garden.

Ian Y:
As the year progresses the colour spreads up from the ground to all the way to above my head click the link to read this Months Bulb Log.


Ian Y:
While we still wait for some summer weather to arrive the wild summer growth turns the garden into a jungle.
Please click the link to read this months Bulb Log.


Ian Y:
Another month goes bye and  here is the latest Bulb Log where my obsession with wild flowers continues to surface in my thoughts and ramblings.
Click on the link to read and see all.


thank you Ian, refreshing mind  8)


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