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SRGC 90th Anniversary Talks 2023
Maggi Young:
--- Quote from: MarcR on February 12, 2023, 08:13:11 AM ---Maggi,
You are 8 hrs ahead of us; and 11 AM is very difficult! Is there any chance that the Zoom talks can be recorded so that we westerners can also watch them at 7 P.M?
--- End quote ---
It is not often the habit of SRGC to record talks, Marc -for many reasons - and the time was chosen to be as reasonable as possible for as many people as possible- 11 am for you for example and the likes of Dave Toole in New Zealand still having to get up rather early! Without recording the talks it is hard to accomodate all time zones I'm afraid. If the talk must be attended live, it means a better audience for the Speaker, of course.
The decisions were made by the organisers, of course -and that doesn't include me- I'm just passing on the word!
Thank you!
Maggi Young:
Second 90th Anniversary Talk- Saturday 4th March 2023 - open to all - zoom link here later
Ian and Carole Bainbridge - A Garden from Scratch - Starting all over again!
1900pm for 19.15 start
" A detailed look at the development of our garden over recent years. Starting with an almost blank canvas in moist south-west Scotland in 2010, we have developed a range of different habitats to accommodate a variety of plants. These include herbaceous, shrub and woodland beds, a rock gardn boulder bed, stumpery, severall crevice gardens, pond and scree areas, bulb meadow patches and a woodland wildlife bank. Alongside these are an alpine house and frames, troughs and a rock gardeners' chicken run! We will cover what we have done, how we have constructed some areas and the plants we have used. "
crevice garden
Gardener Tracey and Carole at work
Richard Green:
The Zoom link for this talk will be made available on the 90th Anniversary Talks page of the SRGC website on Friday (24 hours before the event starts). Check this link to obtain the Zoom details.
fermi de Sousa:
That was a wonderful talk by Ian and Carole on creating their new garden at Luckie Hargs.
Such an amazing range of cool climate plants that they can grow in their garden.
Though they call it their "retirement garden" they have done a ton of work to make it!
Hopefully one of these days I'll get back to Scotland and can see it in person
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