Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

Cyclamen Bioag Ful-Power experiment

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Purpurascens Alba seedling bed.
Will make another video in a month to see the differences from now. Next week will be the last feeding with all three ferts, then switching to just the Roots HPK.

Dug up 20 seedling from my Purpurascens Alba seedling bed on Novemebr 19. Hopefully some are white flowering plants.

November 19, 2023

December 19, 2023

Probably going to dig up more seedlings come Spring, grow a couple more tubs under the LED's until they are flowering.  Would make faster progress in finding white flowering plants.

Bare spot is just starting to put up new growth.

Most of all the plants have buds forming.

Not white, but it's a beauty. Hopefully the plant on the right is white. time will tell..........

No Alba flowers yet. Flower on the left is a nice pink shade, has two marks and no dark nose. Any like this will be planted in a bed together and hand pollinate with Alba pollen. Not sure if they will put up new flower come Summer, might have to wait another year to pollinate.


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