Cultivation > Composts

Mushroom compost

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A friend of mine is wanting to split a load of mushroom compost with me. I think I read somewhere that if you have acers and rhododendrons not to use mushroom compost.  Any advice please.

Angie  :)

Traditionally it contained crushed chalk, often present as white lumps you could pick out. It may be more high tech now but will still contain Ca presumably.

More info here:

Maggi Young:
By the time  mushroom compost is sold off the lime content is much, if not totally reduced. We used a lot of it when remaking, along with David Atkinson, Harold Esslemont's "new" garden - when tested it was just about neutral.
 Go for it!  You'll also get a lovely crop of mushrooms to eat!

Thanks folks .
Maggi I hate mushrooms but if any do grow they will be bagged up and chef Ian can cook something nice for you .

Angie  :)


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