Cultivation > Composts
Maggi Young:
And a very nice pic it is, Stuart... can you post a bigger version here, so my poor eyes can see what it is? I'm thinking Campanula......?
Edraianthus pumila
seed exchange grown my first full flowered plant ever
thought only you scottish rockers can do it but I lucked out..on an easy one!
well that's not entirely true as aethoinema's and arenaria's, a few dianthus etc.. almost hide their
foliage here too.
Not to brag but I probably have only less than 1000 pix this year as I actually did some gardening and picture taking is only a fraction of what I think is good for a day as each day their usually is a plant of the day worth shooting during the growing season but by the time I get around to shooting the lighting conditions are not always ideal.
I could do a blog like Kristal has going thru month to month...
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