Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

The "cup of tea" method for germinating seeds

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Matt T:
I have one of those but he's not very good!  :o

Robert Pavlis:
The iris seeds I tested still have not germinated. Soaking in tea had no effect on the germination of peony seeds - if anything it reduced the % germination a bit.

Robert Pavlis:
The seeds of Iris colletii germinated around August 10. Got almost 100% germination both with and without tea. The seeds had been washed in either water or tea. Adding tea to the wash water had no effect.

Followed the instructions to the letter and had no success at all, but didn't sow a control set either. Will try again using a control

Matt T:
Me neither, Chris. I had to cut my experiment short due to moving house and since then have not had time to synthesise the results I did get. However, it was pretty clear that for the range of species I was using (bulbous species that typically require a period of winter cold to germinate) the cup of tea treatment made little (no) difference to germination times or rates. This was identified as a possible limitation at the outset of my experiment and repeating it with seeds of species more conventionally considered to be "recalcitrant" may give different results.


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