Seedy Subjects! > Grow From Seed

The "cup of tea" method for germinating seeds

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Hans J:
I have before many year received the following receipt ( for watering seedlings ) - I believe it comes orginally from Amarillids growers

1 bag of tea ( black tea )
2 bags of chamomile tea
brew and make up to 2 liters quantity with Aquadest

I use this for watering seedlings ( Amarillids ) ...I dont know why but it works well - the seedlings growing fast and I had never problems with fungus .
I have no expierience with this methode for germination


Brian Ellis:
Thanks for sharing this Lesley and Hans.  I have not had as much success with my PCIs this year so will have to try it out on them.

GA3 all the way - just get someone who works in a lab to get the suspension rate right for you

Matt T:

--- Quote from: Jupiter on July 25, 2014, 12:07:19 PM ---Years ago I used to do a lot of tissue culture for work and these hormones were part and parcel of media preparation. In some protocols we used to use a culture or nurse cells, which were undifferentiated (callus) of Nicotiana tabacum in suspension. These cells were spead on the surface of the agar media to hormonally support the formation of shoots.

I was wondering, if GA is present in tea in sufficient quantities to initiate germination then surely green tea, which is un-fermented should have more...? It would be really interesting to set up a controlled experiment to look into the effectiveness of tea. Perhaps seed of three recalcitrant species, each sample split into three treatment groups, black tea, green tea and water control, something like 20 seed in each group and then a replication of the whole experiment at a later date. Records kept of germination time post treatment should show up any useful effect, but of course would tell you nothing about the actual mechanism. Does anyone have time to do this? Not me...!

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--- Quote from: Lesley Cox on July 27, 2014, 05:32:43 AM ---Jupiter, are you volunteering for this experiment and the paper work? I think it should happen but my own record keeping is just too casual for me to do it usefully. Besides, I'm too old!

--- End quote ---

What species would make the best candidates for such an experiment? Any seed left sitting in the SeedEx 13/14 could be ideal source material, as it will be at least a year from collection now. I'd be happy to keep a few pots and am fairly meticulous when it comes to records. What would be even better is for a few folk across the SRGC family worldwide to replicate the experiment using the same species, experimental method etc.

Maggi Young:
I have copied other remarks on this subject into the second post of this thread "reply1" above
( in  The "cup of tea" method for germinating seeds  « Reply #1 »)

Please continue this discussion  on THIS thread! Thank you.


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