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Vacancy in Alpine Dept. Wisley


Maggi Young:
 Cara Smith,  the team leader of the alpine section at RHS Wisley,  would like to advise our members  that there is a vacancy for a full time horticulturist in the alpine section of RHS Wisley.
Thanks to Cara for her note about this.

Horticulturist, RHS Garden Wisley, Woking, Surrey

The RHS is looking for a Horticulturist to join RHS Garden Wisley, where they will be responsible for the care, cultivation and maintenance of specific areas of the garden and relevant support services.

Closing date
Friday 21 February 2014
37.5 hours,  Full time.

"As a Horticulturist, you will be responsible for the care, cultivation and maintenance of specific areas of the garden/relevant support services, for contributing to the delivery of garden/support service plans, programmes of work and guidance to trainees and volunteers. You should have a good general knowledge of horticultural practice or relevant specialism and have the ability to lead or work as part of a team.

We have a Horticulturist vacancy available within the Alpine Section, at Level I or Level II, depending on your skills and experience.
For this vacancy you should be familiar with a range of standard horticultural techniques and principles."

For other RHS job vacancies :


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