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Wisley in May.
Maggi Young:
Giles, your photo reports from Wisley are much appreciated - I can scarcely believe how well grown the plants in the crevice garden have become - it seems only "five minutes" that ZZ was across to help with its' creation.
I think it is looking very fine. 8) The Alpine Staff must all be proud of it, too.
Inside the Alpine House.
Dianthus longifolia brevifolia
Dionysia involucrata
Erigeron chrysopsidis
Hypoxis hyb.
Petunia patagonica
Asperula sintenisii
Ornithogalum dubium
Leucocoryne purpurea
Petrophyllum hendersonii
Outdoor tufa full of Asplenium ruta-muraria
fermi de Sousa:
--- Quote from: Giles on May 31, 2013, 02:15:58 PM ---Crevice Garden.
--- End quote ---
Very impressive, Giles,
amazing to see the difference since we saw it in 2011 prior to the Nottingham Conference.
Thanks for keeping us updated - we didn't get a chance to see it this time 'round.
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