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Wisley in May.

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David Nicholson:
Many thanks Giles.

Giles, thanks for taking us to this fine place with these
beautiful plants. Petunia patagonica is simply great.

Paul Cumbleton:
Thanks very much Giles for continuing to show pictures of our efforts at Wisley. The crevice garden has been a source of great joy to me as I have seen it develop since planting it up  - it's now in its third growing season and looking much more established. It has been full of colour over the past month or so. Visitors to Wisley seem to love it and many of them kindly take the time to come up to me and say just how wonderful they think it is and are inspired to go and try something like it (albeit on a smaller scale!) at home.

Like most people, I find Petunia patagonica shy of flowering in most seasons. No one seems to have cracked the riddle of why this is so or why just occasionally - as this year - it decides to flower more profusely than usual. I had previously had no more than about 6 flowers in any year so was very pleased this year when it has about 35 flowers. The one shown is the same clone that won the Sheaders a Farrer medal when they exhibited it once absolutely covered in flowers - though they report it has never quite done the same since. They provided material of it to Keith Lever of Aberconwy nursery who has propagated it up so it is available from them if anyone wants to have a go and see if they can emulate the Sheaders success.



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