Cultivation > Composts
Cypripedium Macranthos culture
Hi I use Ultrasorb for Cyps but I think you should add 10% soil and 10% fine bark, and as Anthony told me Tesco Finest Cat Litter is the same as Ultrasorb only cheaper.Its about the only thing connected with Cats that is any good.
Hello Derek, when you say fine bark do you mean the fine part of composted bark or fine bark chips?
Anthony Darby:
Fine composted bark. You could even use orchid compost instead of the 10% bark. I use perlite a lot too (40 - 80%) because we have a lot of rain. The Ultrasorb is instead of Seramis®, up to 80% is suitable if your climate is dry. I would suggest giving a feed of quarter strength inorganic liquid feed every two weeks once the leaves appear and making sure it is flushed through before the next feed. Cypripedium macranthos is quite a slow growing species with me but more info can be found (in English) at Things to avoid are sphagnum and peat.
Ups, I use a little peat, shopped dry sphagnum and humus (beech tree).
Here are my Cyp macranthos in spring and summer
Fantastic Hans,
absolutely beautiful...
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