Specific Families and Genera > Cacti and Succulents


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David Nicholson:
It won't be long now!

Does anyone have a good image of a yellow form of Lewisia tweedyi please? I bought one last year (a premium price because it was a yellow form!) and it has just opened it's first bud. To me it isn't yellow and is not unlike my pale apricot shade normal form-should be open enough to take pictures next week.

Maggi Young:
David, Cyril the Squirrel shows a lovely yellow form of L. tweedyi  there will be a photo in a show report somewhere- probably Perth - I'll have a search around......

Maggi Young:
My pic from Perth  2008, when Cyril won a Forrest Medal with it .....

and Ian's one of Cyril with the plant.....   ( mine shows the colour better!  ;) )

Maggi Young:
more pix .....
Glasgow Show 2009 , pic from Anthony D.  This form is from Bob Maxwell

Perth 2010, my pic

Maggi Young:
I think in 2010 the lemon tweedyi was fantastic - in case anyone wonders, that year the Forrest was won by a Sebaea thomasii ( also grown by Secret Squirrel!)..........


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