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Ian Y:
I saw the, cutting edge, New Kew  Alpine house.

It is a beautiful structure but I am not sure if it was value for money as far as alpines are concerned.

Inside was a rather old style rock garden that did not fit in with the cutting edge technology of the air cooled structure.

A few bulbs were on display including Ipheion sessile.

Narcissus panizzianus

Iris planifolia

mark smyth:
looks like you had an excellent time. Next year I hope to get to Kew and Wisley

Lesley Cox:
A most interesting trip Ian, thanks for the pictures. It looks as if Kew's new alpine house is more of the same really, inside at least. I wonder what Tony Hall thinks of it.

I'm surprised how small the Wollemi pine is, given that it is 200 million years old. I would have expected something a bit taller. ;D

Here is a picture of my own bananas. Of course I can't actually PROVE that I grew them.....

Lesley Cox:
I also meant to comment that the "more exotic planting" above, could have come directly from Dunedin or Christchurch Botanic Gardens or any of 100 or more public areas in NZ.

Did you take any more pics of the lovely juno irises Ian? Please?

Maggi Young:
Now, Lesley, you must know that for the first part of life we grow, then as we get older we start shrinking... so it obviously is with the Wollemi pine!! Just think, when was the last time you saw a ninety year old person who stood at six foot eight?
Ian had a lovely visit with Tony, so he could tell you what the great Iris Man thinks of the new house!! Actually, at the Discussion Weekend in October, Tony told us all what he thought of it... I'll paraphrase... "not a lot" :P

I am prepared to believe they are your bananas for two reasons, first, I don't think you'd steal 'em, so they would be "yours" and secondly, there is no sign of any of those little stickers you get on bought ones!!

"exotic" plantings... these ARE exotic to us, Lesley, you're a long way away!!

I think only the Iris planifolias were out... the rest just fat buds waiting to grow!


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