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Lesley Cox:
More great pics Ian, thanks. So was that little white juno to the right of Iris planifolia a white form of it then? Very nice.

Yes Maggi, I was really commenting on how our own plants seem to be at home in many far off places and how I'd feel at home, seeing that particular planting, as if I were in Dunedin or Christchurch. Though if I were in the UK I wouldn't WANT to feel at home, I'd want to feel as if I were in the UK, else why would I be there in the first place?

So glad you paraphrased Tony. Otherwise, it could have been one of those times Admin felt he had to censor!!! I know Tony very well you see.

Re the bananas, no I didn't steal them - I would have gone for the cherries! - and yes they were mine, but oddly, I came across them in the supermarket, and picked the little stickers off them before the photo opportunity.

You'll find out something even worse about me soon.

Ian Y:
Yes oh 'Great Cake Maker In Chief' it is a white form of Iris planifolia .
There were three out on public display but two were going over so I did not take their pictures.


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