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Author Topic: SRGC NEWS July 2012  (Read 2071 times)

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
SRGC NEWS July 2012
« on: July 20, 2012, 08:19:50 PM »
Events and Notices


Nominations for the 2012 recipient should be sent to the Secretary no later than 15 August 2012.

It would be helpful if a short account of the nominee’s services to the Club were to be included, and also the names of other supporters.The Salver is presented annually to an individual member for outstanding service to the Club. All nominations are considered by the Awarding Committee which consists of previous winners of this prestigious award.

(You may submit your nomination again in subsequent years if initially unsuccessful.)

The names of all previous holders are recorded in the Golden Jubilee Salver Book which is available for inspection at the AGM.

For those who cannot attend our AGM the Golden Jubilee Salver has been awarded to the following individuals.

1983 Alf Evans                              1984 Joyce Halley                          1985 Don Stead     

1986 Harold Esslemont                  1987 Lewis Bilton                           1988 Isobel Simpson

1989 Kathleen Simpson-Hall          1990 Angus Small                           1991 Jack Crosland

1992 Sheila Maule                        1993 Sandy Leven                           1994 Bill Mackenzie

1995 Bette Ivey                           1996 Harley Milne                            1997 Ron McBeath

1998 Jean Wyllie                          1999 Lyn Bezzant                            2000 Alastair McKelvie

2001 Glassford Sprunt                  2002 Morris Wilson                          2003 Jim Christie

2004 Jackie Thomlinson                 2005 Margaret Taylor                       2006 Henry Taylor

2007 Jean Band                            2008 Ian Young                               2009 Anne Chambers

2010 Ian Bainbridge                      2011 Ian Christie


Discussion Weekend : 28 - 30 September 2012 Dumfries   

Please refer to the January issue of ‘The Rock Garden’ for full details  or see here: http://www.srgc.net/forum/index.php?topic=8113.0

Discussion Weekend 2012

"Plans are well advanced for the 2012 Discussion Weekend at the Cairndale Hotel, Dumfries - the warm welcome will be the same, the meals will again be delicious but there will be a few new things to look forward to. The Reivers have commissioned a new trophy to be awarded for the best photograph of a Scottish Native Plant. We have also reintroduced workshops on Saturday morning, there will be one on photography, one on the use of colour in painting and Ian, the Christie kind, will demonstrate the art of building a section of rock garden. The Show and Holiday Photograph competition will go ahead as in the past. Our Speakers are once again drawn from across the globe. See the listing in the Journal to whet your appetite. The Ayrshire Group are again organizing the 50/50 plant sale after an excellent result last year; please get potting. The photo exhibition is a non- competitive display of photos of interesting people, plants and places. Photos need not be mounted and can be any size. Rooms are filling fast and the deadline has passed for normal priced accommodation. But Gill Lee will happily take bookings - see you on Friday 28th September".

Ann Sinclair

Free Place at the 2012 Discussion Weekend

At the Glasgow Show Bette Ivey, the Hon. President, drew the name for the free place at the Discussion Weekend.
The winner was Brian Slaughter of the Ayr Group.
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 place and should be with the Secretary no later than 30 April 2013.


Explorers Garden, Pitlochry: Exhibition in the Douglas Pavilion: China, a Photographic Exhibition - open until 31 October - free with entry to garden


Flowers of the Hills & Mountains- A Summer Event to Celebrate Rock Gardening:    Dunblane Christian Fellowship Hall    18 August 10am - 4pm

A new four part event with talks, displays, plant and seed exchange and plant sales

Late Bulb Display at RBGE     8 September 

Coffee at 10.00am
Two presentations one at 10.30 am the other at 2 pm
by Tony Hall, Royal Botanic Garden Kew
Natural Relationships within the Juno Irises: a Review
Part I: The Hindu-Kush and W. Asian/Mediterranean species
Part II: The Central Asian & Physocaulion species
This is a ticket only event:tickets costing £5:00 can be obtained by calling Rachael Brown or Kerstin Price at the RBGE on 0131 248 2844 and from Ann Christie, Westmuir, Kirriemuir. DD8 5LP. Your ticket includes free parking within the garden and self-service tea and coffee, as well as a tour of the garden. Bring a picnic lunch.
Members are invited to bring along as many pans of dwarf bulbs and flowering alpine plants as possible. The usual rule of one pan per class per exhibitor will be waived. No points will be awarded.
Contributions are invited for a 50:50 plant sale, which will be held to cover expenses. Please note that no Ericaceae should be brought along for either the display or the plant sale.

Discussion Weekend Show –Dumfries 29 September

Newcastle Show – Ponteland 13 October

Travelling Speakers Tour: October 2012

Drs Liam and Joan McCaughey will be visiting/speaking to the following Groups:

Wednesday 10 October Ayrshire   Western North America

Thursday 11 October Borders   Tien Shan Mountains

Friday 12 October North Northumberland Western North America

Monday 15 October Angus   Tien Shan Mountains

Tuesday 16 October Aberdeen Yunnan 2011

Wednesday 17 October Moray & Highland Western North America

Thursday 18 October South West Scotland Yunnan 2011

Friday 19 October West of Scotland Western North America

For further information please contact the relevant Group Convener using the contact details in the Year Book.

John Owen


Provisional Show Dates for 2013

Please note that these dates are PROVISIONAL and subject to change over the next six months.

Please consult the 2013 Show Schedule for conrmed dates.

Dunblane Early Bulb Display 16 February 2013 10:00 am - 4:00 pm  A Celebration of Bulbs with talks at 11am and 2pm

Blackpool   16 March

Stirling Show (Kincardine) 23 March

Edinburgh   6 April

Northumberland (Hexham) 13 April

Perth     20 April

Highland Show (Nairn)   27 April

Glasgow     4 May

Summer Event (Dunblane) 17 August

Discussion Weekend   5 October

Newcastle (Ponteland)   12 October

New Zealand Alpine Garden Society Study Weekend 2013 1st to 3rd February 2013    Supported by the SRGC     http://www.srgc.net/forum/index.php?topic=8876.0

The Second International Czech Rock Garden Conference - 2-5 May 2013 Supported by the SRGC

« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 08:25:10 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine

Maggi Young

  • Forum Dogsbody
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  • Country: scotland
  • "There's often a clue"
    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
Re: SRGC NEWS July 2012
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2012, 08:47:46 PM »
 The following grants have been awarded by the SRGC this year:


• £400 to Robert Unwin (RBGE) for a trip to the Alps in 2012.

• £400 to Georgina Ankers (RBGE) for a trip to the Alps in 2012

• £1,000 to Alan Elliott for a trip to Nepal in 2012

• £400 to Doug Logan for a trip to Nepal in 2012

• £1,000 to Julia Corden for a trip to Arunchal Pradesh in 2012

• £1,000 to Elspeth Mackintosh for a trip to Arunchal Pradesh in 2012

Deadline for Applications the Exploration Fund for 2013

Anyone wishing to apply to the Exploration Fund for a grant for an expedition in 2013 or early 2014 should submit their application not later than 1st March 2013.

Application forms are available from the Secretary, Carol Shaw.

Contributions to the Fund are always welcome and would enable us to offer more support. Any donations should be sent to the President, Liz Mills, Upper Kinneddar House West, Saline, Fife KY12 9TR.


A bursary of £500 was awarded to each of the following BSES Young Explorers. They have been asked to write a report of their experiences for the club. As part of their award they also receive free membership of the SRGC for a year.

• Matthew Hay for a trip to Northern Norway
• Jennifer Newall for a trip to Ladakh

DIANA AITCHISON FUND GRANTS 2012   http://www.srgc.org.uk/fund/fund.html

The following grants have been awarded this year:
• Kathryn Braithwaite   £2,300 for her study/working trip to Wellington Botanic   Gardens, New Zealand. 
                                  Jan  – Feb. 2013
• Robert Dickie            £1,500 towards his travelling and living cost whilst studyingfor a Degree in Garden
                                  Design at Hadlow College
• Emmi Klaser             £800 for work experience at the Explorers Garden, Pitlochry and visits to other
                                 gardens including the RBGE, Pitcairn Alpines, Cluny and Drummond Gardens.

Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


Scottish Rock Garden Club is a Charity registered with Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR): SC000942
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