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Author Topic: SRGC AGM 2014  (Read 1451 times)

Maggi Young

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    • International Rock Gardener e-magazine
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:52:32 PM »

The ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING will be held in the Old Scone Church Hall, Scone PH2 6LP
on Saturday 15 November 2014 at 1.00 pm.

Travel Directions:
Entrance to Old Scone Church Hall is off the A94 (Perth/Coupar Angus road), coming from Perth take the first left onto Cross Street and immediately left again onto Burnside and follow the signs for the David Douglas Memorial.


12.00 pm  Grand Picnic  (You bring the food, we provide the wine, juice, tea and coffee.)
1.00 pm   Annual General Meeting
2.00 pm (approx)  The Clark Memorial Lecture  by David Millward  ‘Following the Anatolian Diagonal’
3.00 pm (approx)  Tea and biscuits

There will also be • a non-competitive display of plants • a members' 50/50 plant sale • the second photographic/art competition of the year • books for sale at very reduced prices

Please bring along  plenty of plants for the display and/or sale as well as entries for the photographic/art competition.


1. Apologies for absence
2. Minutes of the AGM held at Scone Old Church Hall, Scone on 9
November 2013
3. Matters arising from the Minutes
4. President’s Review of the Year
5. Presentation of Honours
6. Presentation of Merit Medals by the President
7. Presentation of the AGS Salver, the Rutland Salver and the Golden Jubilee Salver
8. Consider adoption of the Accounts for the year ending 30 June 2014
9. Election of Executive Office-Bearers
10. Election of four Ordinary Members to serve a 3-year term on Council
11. Appointment of Examiner of Accounts
12. Approval of the members of Joint Rock Committee
13. Date & place of ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING in 2015
14. Any other competent business

In accordance with Rule 5.1 all Executive Office-Bearers retire annually but are eligible for re-election.
The following have been nominated:
President   Dr C Bainbridge
Treasurer   Mr R Green
Secretary  Mrs C Shaw
Subscription Secretary  Ms C Boulby
Editor   Prof A Edwards
Publicity Manager  Mr A J Leven
Chairman of Web Committee  Mr I Young

In accordance with Rule 6.1 four members shall be elected to the Council annually to serve for three years as Ordinary Members.

To date nominations have been received for David Shaw and Neil McNulty

Please consider becoming an Ordinary Member of Council. Contact  Carole Bainbridge greenscenedesign@hotmail.com or Carol Shaw  findhorncarol@icloud.com for more information.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2016, 10:33:31 PM by Maggi Young »
Margaret Young in Aberdeen, North East Scotland Zone 7 -ish!

Editor: International Rock Gardener e-magazine


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