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Author Topic: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted  (Read 2130 times)


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Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« on: October 27, 2016, 06:53:42 PM »
Any one has either of the above seeds. I am trying to get them for the last three years. No luck so far.If you have please help me.
Allium sacculiferum I like to have the relatively dark flower one.

I can trade Allium pseudojaponicum seeds which is around 6 inch high, flat leaf, dark purple flower head and flowers in October before Allium thunbergii. It is a beautiful small allium originated from South Korean botanical garden seeds 
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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #1 on: October 31, 2016, 03:07:14 PM »
Hello Kris, typically I get a fair to good crop of seed on Allium sacculiferum, but I'm not sure if any capsules will successfully mature this year. Ironically, after a long summer of official "severe drought" status, long soaking rains have returned in the autumn, spoiling the spent heads on Allium sacculiferum, most capsules are mushy when I checked them yesterday. A few capsules might mature, if any do reach maturity, I can send whatever I can gather.

I also have robust white form of thunbergii, although a few years ago after dividing up the clump to share with plant friends, and to replant a clump in a new part of the garden, the replanted division has since died, and my remaining clump has been sulking these last few years, this year just three depauperate bloom heads on stunted stems. I rarely get seed on this unless the weather stays dry into autumn.

Attached is a photo of sacculiferum taken 3 weeks ago in early October.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2016, 03:44:51 PM by TheOnionMan »
Mark McDonough
Massachusetts, USA (near the New Hampshire border)
USDA Zone 5
antennaria at aol.com

Rick R.

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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #2 on: October 31, 2016, 09:50:22 PM »
Hi Mark,
The A. sacculiferum seed you sent me back in 2012 germinated easily, and I've been donating plants to our Local NARGS Chapter plant sales. Seed germinated better sown directly at 65-70°F than when given a cold treatment first.  I have been experiencing a wet fall this year, too, but not like yours.  After reading your post, I went out to look at the progress of my plants, and seed production is not like I hoped, but ample, i think.  I'm sure Krish will at least get something.

8 Oct 2016

31 Oct 2016

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Rick Rodich
just west of Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #3 on: November 01, 2016, 12:42:40 AM »
Thanks Mark and Richard.
Both of your Allium sacculiferum look  fantastic.
When I had  Allium pseudojaponicum I did not know the species name. I only knew that I got it from south Korean  botanical garden through a friend.
Only last week when I was searching google I happened to see Marks older post about the allium pseudojaponicum and it looked exactly like mine.
It is a beautiful small allium.  In Saskatoon weather it is difficult to get mature seeds  early. This year we had heavy snow one day in October that flattened the allium flowers.
I saved few seeds  from last year.
Mark if you want seeds please PM me.
Thank you Mark for helping me to identify the allium.
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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #4 on: November 12, 2016, 01:32:49 AM »
Rick, first of all, long time no communicate, too long, glad to see you've had such excellent results raising an impressive clump of sacculiferum in relatively short time. I checked my plants today, and I can find merely 4 single capsules which may or may not make it to maturity. I collected lots of seed last year, but for the life of me I can't remember what I did with it, must have given it away, I chalk it up to the scattered blur of working an insanely demanding job, which has finally resolved itself with my retirement this past June :D

Kris, glad that I could help with a possible ID on pseudojaponicum. I didn't notice my pseudojaponicum flowering this year, no doubt because of our severe drought this summer. I need to rescue it from my old abandoned Allium garden next spring, I'm sure the bulbs will have survived the drought (positive thinking).
Mark McDonough
Massachusetts, USA (near the New Hampshire border)
USDA Zone 5
antennaria at aol.com


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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2016, 05:10:57 PM »
Hi Mark
I have this Allium pseudojaponicum for the last two years flowering but I was not sure about the species.
I was told  it was Allium thunbergii but i was sure it was not. I collected seeds last year but did not send to the North American rock garden seed exchange since I did not know the correct name.
This year because of huge snow the allium flowers did not mature to seeds.
In Saskatoon weather the flowering starts  in October which is risky.
Next year I will get a picture to post it. Since I am working full time sometimes I find it hard to get time for pictures.

Rick promised me some seeds if they mature.Thanks Rick.
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Alex S.

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Re: Allium thunbergii album and Allium sacculiferum seeds wanted
« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2017, 03:20:12 PM »
Hi all,
I've just checked my Allium thunbergii album seed heads. Unfortunately there's nothing there. For some reason seeds just didn't develop. That was its second flowering in my garden. I don't know if there were seeds last year.
All my other alliums produce seeds but they flower earlier.


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