Bulbs > Bulbs Wanted

Allium paradoxum

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Paul T:

Calochortus uniflorus died out for me a couple of years ago for some reason.  Never could work out why.  There was just nothing left in the pot at the end of summer.  Go figure!!  I really liked the flowers on it too.  I find that Calochortus can be a bit touchy for me, at least some species.  Up until the year I lost it it had been the hardiest of the lot of them.  Maybe I just had a very selective mouse or something that went through that pot only and removed the bulbs.  And here I read that you have to keep an eye on it..... I wish!!  :D

It really is amazing the different experiences we all have here on the forums.  I never cease to be amazed on hearing what/how people grow their plants.  Such a cool place to be!!

rob krejzl:

Could be because I don't grow it in a pot ;D.
I'm only glad that it doesn't set seed for me as well as produce bulbils. The Scilla is the bigger problem - all those flowerheads with tumbleweed potential.

Paul T:


Mine grew fine in a pot for about 5 years or so (I DID repot it within that time for reference) before it disappeared.  It didn't decline or anything, just gone one year.  I think it wasn't the pot that did it in!!  It's definitely something I'll grow again, that is for sure.  Too nice and so easy to grow (except when it disappeared!!  ::))


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