Memorable Topics – Threads and posts that are just too good to lose > Plant Information and Portraits

Epimedium - various threads gathered together here

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Lori S.:
Well, if I interpret Stearn correctly, epimediums are self-sterile, i.e. cross-pollination must occur between different individuals of the same species, in order for the seed to come true.  Apparently, garden hybrids are relatively common.

EDIT: So therefore not sterile, but pollen from the plant cannot fertilize its own flowers.

They are known as the barrenworts but we have had SSS Self Sown Seedlings occasionally.

Lori S.:
More from Stearn:  "Observation led to the conclusion then that clones of Epimedium are self-sterile but interfertile."
The term "barrenwort" refers, apparently, to old medicinal uses relating to human fertility (as recorded by Pliny the Elder): "A poultice of the leaves beaten fine with oil prevented the breasts from swelling, the root caused barrenness and the leaves beaten fine and drunk in wine after menstruation  prevented conception for 5 days."  

Hans J:
I had in last year on my E.pinnatum ssp.colchicum fertil seeds - I have sent it to a friend in England and he has confirm me that they have germinatet .

Thanks for the nice words for my pics - I will continue ....

Renate Brinkers:
great pictures. I love E.epsteinii and E.p.ssp.colchicum. Maybe anyone know this one. I got it as E.rubrum which it is definitly not but I have no idea what it really is.


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