Plant Identification > Plant Identification Questions and Answers

Campanula bellidifolia


In 2020 I sowed Campanula bellidifolia rosea (from seed exchange). I managed to get two plants both duly planted out in June 2020. One flowered in July 2021, with a slight pink touch, but it died immediately after flowering. The second flowered this year, and must be the bellidifolia rosea. But what was the first one? Both of them really nice, so I am sorry the first one did not survive. Ingvild (PS I hope I managed to attach the pictures)

Maggi Young:
Hello Ingvild!  I think the pretty white campanula looks a bit like C. troegerae - but I'm no expert!
I agree that the pink version is C. bellidifolia rosea - or a close relative- I do think the  campanulas can hybridise, so that may be the  answer!

Thanks Maggi
I think I will settle for a hybrid. I don't find a C troegerae quite like it, but pictures of it varies a bit too. Anyway, I enjoyed it while it lasted.


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