General Subjects > Flowers and Foliage Now

April in the Northern Hemisphere

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Graham Catlow:
Thanks Maggi. Probably a bit warmer down here.

Yes, Your garden looks lovely, Graham - and is well - matched by the scenic grey stone-house in the background!

Robert, thank You for Your enlighting explanations! Eschscholzia californica is a well-known Californican over here, which self-seeded for many years in my allotment, usually starting in autumn and surviving our increasingly mild winters. Lesson learnt, I´ll try to sow plants like this in autumn, if possible. Unfortunately, the seed received from an American organisation arrived in late winter.

Calochortus is a species I always admired, but trying some bulbs in the driest spot of my garden they never turned up, though Sternbergia lutea copes with the conditions there. As I noticed that You grow them in tubs I wondered if they wouldn´t do well in the open ground?

A Trillium erectum seedling with Disporum megalanthum starting to sprout on the left.

Brunnera ´Diane´s Gold´with a double Anemone ranunculoides.

A bracteate Hyacinthoides non-scripta of filigree charm.

Trillium kurabayashii with Epimedium franchetii ´Brimstone Butterfly´.

Andre Schuiteman:
Daphne cneorum 'Benaco'. Floriferous and fragrant and easy to propagate from cuttings. Why is it so rarely offered in the trade?

Stefan B.:

That is the mood in my garden today.


Looks like a good mood, how did you get your wildlife to pose? 😀 A good moment to add that your blue above yellow is really good.


Thanks for the info, really late I picked up some (probably) japanese maple seeds prestratified in the park and for cross-reference some other maples. The last ones sprouted, none of the japanese maples did so far, I’ll leave them and keep an eye on possible seedlings (I assume grabbing is no problem if they’re going to be mown or weeded anyway) at the park. Very interesting to see that young seedlings already show variations.

Although planted inofficially, Acer palmatum is fitting in very well here, in my opinion.
Graham, your A. palmatum got a lot of my attention, combined with the other plants your garden already looks great.

Mariëtte & Robert

I’ll keep an eye on your experiments Mariëtte, your climate seems much like mine.
Maybe it would be interesting to sow a few ‘Californians’ ,  Nemophila and Limnanthes, in autumn, what do you think Robert?

Park season is starting the final show, a huge number of Allium ursinum beginning to flower, a bit less of Hyacinthoides too, in my containers things are slowing down.

Narcissus wilkommii is finishing while Allium ‘chameleon’ is colouring up to it’s name, ‘Botanical’ dutch Tulipa in the background, maybe not collectables but very enjoyable.


I love Salix arctica.


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